Club Match (IDPA Tier 1)
09 Mar
09 Mar, 12:00
4h 30m
Arnold Rifle and Pistol Club
8343 Metropolitan Blvd, Barnhart, MO 63012
Join the ARPC-IDPA Email Blast for up-to-date news and information about the match, including match fees, schedule changes, cancellations, and gate codes.
7:30 - 8:45 am Registration - Registration will close at 8:45.
8:45 - 9:00 am Safety Officer only stage walkthrough
8:45 - 9:100am New Shooter Meeting (Mandatory for first-time IDPA shooters or those wanting a refresher)
9:00- 9:10 am Shooters Meeting
9:10- 12:00 am Shoot Pistol Match
WE COULD REALLY USE YOUR HELP WITH SET-UP. We need your help. If you're coming out to help set up, please be here and ready to help by no later than 7:15 am. You need to see the attendant by 7:15 am at the IDPA sign-up shack to get your club work hours. EASY WAY TO EARN THOSE CLUB HOURS!!!
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Age Group
All ages but parental guidance